Four of Fresno’s city council seats are up for re-election this year. While these are technically non-partisan races, many city issues are often decided…
The Fresno City Council will vote Thursday on a proposal that would set the city on a path to legalizing a variety of marijuana-related businesses. This…
The Fresno City Council has passed a ban on recreational marijuana sales and public use in the city. It passed on a 4-3 vote. The ban also extends a…
Fresno is one of the largest communities in the San Joaquin Valley that doesn’t have a dedicated senior center. That’s something that current city…
Voters in California’s 31st Assembly district head to the polls tomorrow to vote in a special election to fill the seat for the rest of the year. But do…
Election day in California is still 10 weeks away, unless you live in the 31st Assembly District. That's because voters there go to the polls on April 5th…
While election day may still seem far away for many Californians, the residents of the 31st Assembly District don't have to wait until June to vote.…
Governor Jerry Brown has set the dates for the special election to fill the vacant seat for 31st Assembly District. A special primary will be held in…
According to Fresno City Council Member Clint Olivier, the city faces an existential threat from "vagrants" who have overrun parks, stores and…
The Fresno City Council is moving forward with a plan to modify the city's medical marijuana law. But as FM89's Joe Moore reports, the change could be…