Molly Peterson
Editorial Project Manager, The California Reporting Project-
A new NPR survey shows 11% of Americans have experienced extreme heat in the past five years and had health problems stemming from a lack of air conditioning at home.
Advocates say the department is "denying clear evidence that there needs to be systemic change" to how it uses force.
California's drought has the state re-thinking who has the right to its water. A complex system dating back to the 19th century divides up the state's supplies.
Firefighters made gains Tuesday on a blaze near Los Angeles. They set backfires and removed brush in an attempt to contain a 190-square-mile wildfire that has destroyed more than 50 homes.
Arborists are in New Orleans this week to reassess the post-Katrina health of the city's trees. The prognosis is not good for many of the magnolias in the city's center, and some of the struggling trees will be brought down. After Hurricane Katrina, arborists had hoped trees would eventually pull through.