As the final installment in the Water Whiplash series, a meteorologist who foresaw “unprecedented” and “unparalleled” flooding reflects on the lessons we can draw from our recent wet winter—and how we can prepare for weather extremes in the future.
An independent climate researcher and advocate warns that the San Joaquin Valley’s flood protection and mitigation plans need significant updating in order to be prepared for the next wet winter.
Why incarcerated people and their loved ones have questioned the readiness of the two state prisons in Corcoran to confront emergency flooding.
A freelance journalist recounts some of the highlights from a recent journey kayaking 225 miles from Tulare Lake to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River delta.
A rural advocate and columnist argues the power of water districts’ weighted voting system extends far beyond water rights in the Tulare Lake Basin.
A brief history of the communities and ecosystems that used to call the lake home, and the conversations that occur every time the lake reemerges.
KVPR and 1A hosted a panel discussion featuring agricultural leaders on May 30, 2023.
As river flows reach historic highs, white water rafting outfitters are celebrating, but law enforcement agencies have restricted access to most riverfronts due to the extreme risk of injury and death.
Construction is underway to raise the levee protecting the city of Corcoran. But it’s not the first time the embankment has needed to be raised.
Most of the San Joaquin Valley land inundated by Tulare Lake has been cultivated farmland. But homes are at stake too, as the water rises around them.