Parents and students speak up about the hardships of the hour-long commute to the nearest high school in Coalinga
Mayor Rey Leon says the word “Raiteros” is Spanglish for ride.“The person giving the ride is a raitero, but also the person getting the ride is also a…
The population of Huron, California, a rural town in southwest Fresno County, more than doubles during harvest season with an influx of migrant farm…
On this week’s Valley Edition: How are students in the San Joaquin Valley keeping up with their studies from home? We talk to education reporters about…
When Lewanne Osborn moved to the foothill community of Springville 53 years ago, the population was around 900, she said. Flip to the year 2000, and the…
When local school districts aren’t performing, parents typically turn to school boards or parent-teacher organizations to bring about change. But in one…
Many communities across the country are working to not just respond to reports of child abuse, but to prevent them. Now the Fresno County Department of…
Rey Leon works on sustainability in the city of Huron, California. Sustainability is a common enough word on the California coast, where hybrid cars,…
DFI Marketing of Fresno has announced a recall of 28,000 cartons of cantaloupe after a sample tested positive for Salmonella bacteria. Dresick Farms Inc…