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Spring Rain And Snow Mean Increased Water Allocations

Joe Moore
Valley Public Radio

Rain and snow may not have pushed California out of its drought, but the late season precipitation will mean a little more water for State Water Project users. As Amy Quinton reports from Sacramento, there

The California Department of Water Resources says State Water Project deliveries that had been zero will increase to five percent. The project delivers water to more than 25 million Californians and nearly a million acres of farmland. Kern County Water Agency is the largest agricultural user. General Manager Jim Beck says it’s unlikely to affect growers because they’ve already made decisions on planting. Water will also be stored in the San Luis Reservoir until September 1st. But Beck says it will still help.

Beck: “We’re very appreciative of any water that comes to us this year at all whether we’re even in December it will help they system because our growers our water users will be pumping groundwater to offset the shortages throughout the remainder of 2014.”

The US Bureau of Reclamation says it is increasing Central Valley Project water allocations for North of Delta Settlement Contractors and wildlife refuges from 40 to 75 percent.

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