High school teacher and Fresno-based podcaster Jordan Mattox recently founded The California Prison Poetry Contest. He’s currently collecting short poems…
As COVID-19 infections continue to rise throughout the San Joaquin Valley, they’re also ravaging the Valley’s prisons. That’s why two advocacy groups have…
There’s a garden in Chowchilla off of Road 22 that’s surrounded by miles of farmland. Only women tend to this garden. There are wildflowers, succulents,…
California Governor Jerry Brown says reducing prison overcrowding continues to be a top priority. Brown talked with reporters Tuesday after speaking at…
California remains under a court order to reduce its prison population. As Katie Orr reports from Sacramento, Governor Jerry Brown is trying to use his…
Governor Jerry Brown has been turned down by the US Supreme Court once again. He won’t get a hearing on a federal order to reduce prison overcrowding in…
After nearly two weeks of sniping back and forth, California Governor Jerry Brown and Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg have reached a deal on their…
California lawmakers are raising questions about the unauthorized practice of sterilizing women in California prisons.The federal receiver for health care…
Supporters of California prisoners on a weeks-long hunger strike against the prison system’s gang isolation program are urging Governor Jerry Brown to end…
A federal three-judge panel is reiterating its order to California Governor Jerry Brown to reduce prison overcrowding. Today’s ruling even removes any…