California Water Service Co., which manages water service in that area, reported the source of the oil was a nearby crude oil storage facility.
The ruling found the county's environmental review didn't go far enough to protect farmland, groundwater and communities living within a few hundred feet of oil and gas production.
The first carbon storage facility in Kern County, California, will only produce a handful of permanent positions.
Kern County is California's largest oil producer and a top producer of agricultural products. But climate change — and the state’s effort to mitigate it — pose a threat to those economic mainstays.
Two-thirds of the bills opposed by the oil industry this year were killed, thanks in part to an alliance with the building trades union, forcing Democrats to sometimes choose between jobs and the environment.
Environmental advocates in California are launching a campaign to ask voters to ban new oil and gas wells near homes, schools and hospitals. The oil industry has already qualified for a referendum that could overturn a similar law.
California officials unveiled a plan to permanently seal some of the state’s more than 5,000 orphaned oil wells, including dozens nestled among Kern County neighborhoods that have been the focus of advocate attention for decades.
The bill was among dozens scrapped in the legislature's suspense file hearings Thursday.
An expert used California regulators’ methodology to estimate the cost of cleaning up the state’s onshore oil and gas industry. The study found that cleanup costs will be triple the industry’s projected profits.
The state Assembly passed a bill on Monday that would empower state regulators to punish oil companies for profiting from price spikes.