Gregory Weaver, Fresnoland
The new filings in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California detail the lead-up to the family's default, with a failed effort to build a rival pistachio plant at the heart of their woes.
According to a leaked business prospectus obtained by Fresnoland, the deal could encompass tens of thousands of acres of farmland. The family-owned business could net over $1 billion from the deal.
Fresno County's new General Plan eliminates environmental programs and promotes development that critics warn will worsen pollution and destroy the county's rural character. Despite these concerns, county supervisors unanimously approved the controversial plan on Tuesday.
Where will 45,000 new homes be built? The fight over one of Fresno's biggest housing battles takes a turn.
Over the last decade, the city of Fresno has waived a total of nearly $10 million in developer fees under policies designed to boost projects in disadvantaged or underdeveloped areas, a new city report shows.
Following a controversial rezone last year, industrial landowners in southwest Fresno are moving forward with an even bigger one.
The case wending its way through the legal system over the coming month offers a peek into a great California drama, a rare look into two empires of agriculture.
By granting the tax break for Fresno developers at a special meeting on Thursday in a 4-3 vote, the council created a $1.8 million annual budget shortfall for the city’s police and fire funding, according to an unreleased financial analysis cited by Councilmember Annalisa Perea.