As Inauguration Day approaches, KVPR and our public radio partners in The California Newsroom want to hear from you. Wherever you live in California, we want to hear your insights about what Donald Trump's return to the White House on Jan. 20 means for your region.
We're gathering voices from across the state to understand your hopes, concerns, and questions about the next four years. Your responses may be featured in upcoming political coverage about how Californians are viewing a second Trump presidency. Share your thoughts by filling out the form below, or send us a voice memo (one minute maximum, please) at or leave us a voicemail at 800-863-3310.
The information you provide will be shared with your local public radio stations; a journalist may follow up with you directly through the contact details you provide. Your information will not be publicly shared without your permission. Thanks for taking the time to be here. We can't wait to hear from you.