Marches took place around the nation on Saturday to honor the victims of last month’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The march in Fresno drew crowds from around the Central Valley to Fresno High School.
Yasmin Mendoza is the twenty-one-year old community college student who led the event. She says the march and their movement isn’t about party politics.
“I think that safety is a universal issue that affects everyone no matter your political party,” says Mendoza.
Standing in front of the Fresno High auditorium, Mendoza called out Tulare Congressman Devin Nunes for taking campaign contributions from the NRA. Nunes’ district includes areas of of Fresno.
Others speakers include students, a representative from Senator Kamala Harris’ office, and Nunes’ opponent in the upcoming election, Andrew Janz.

Briana is a high school student who attended the march with her friends. They held homemade signs during the event.
“I'm in the eleventh grade from University High, and my sign says, ‘Students should be able to shoot for the stars without the fear of being shot.’”
After speeches, the group of about two thousand walked the perimeter of the high school, chanting and holding their signs high.