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Housing policy and the 2024 presidential campaign

An aide attaches an official seal to the podium before US Vice President Kamala Harris attends a moderated conversation with former Trump administration national security official Olivia Troye and former Republican voter Amanda Stratton in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
An aide attaches an official seal to the podium before US Vice President Kamala Harris attends a moderated conversation with former Trump administration national security official Olivia Troye and former Republican voter Amanda Stratton in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Ifyou’vefollowed the pastmonth ofpresidentialpolitics –a month that mightfeel like a decade–you mayhave noticeda particular issuecome up thathasn’tgotten much attention fromnational campaignsin the past: housing.

Both the Republican andDemocraticpresidential candidates, and theirvice-presidentialpicks,are talking about it on the stump.

Whyishousinga central issue in this campaign?Both presidentialcampaignsarefocusingmore on affordability, including for housing. So,what can the federal government do to makerenting or buying a homemore affordable? 

Copyright 2024 WAMU 88.5

Michael Falero